A place for thoughts on dance, creativity and self expression.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

On Inspiration and the Ailey

I first heard about the Alvin Ailey from a dance teacher of mine in Cape Town. Praises don't come easily in the dance world and hers was so high of the company that I had to find out why. A few years later I found myself in New York City and my husband surprised me with tickets to see them perform - I got hooked for life. If I were to pick one thing that stood out most to me about the dancers it would be their incredible ability to make the most simple and ordinary steps carry heart, soul, inspiration and awe.

"In the Ailey company, there are no cookie-cutter dancers, no android corps members. It is a troupe of movers in astonishing command of their instruments (that means head, heart, and body), and like both chamber players and jazz musicians, each of them can step out to solo, then fuse back with the whole. They can also dance just about anything handed to them, from ballet leg beats to the Funky Chicken." - exert from faith, hope and ailey.

If you ever get the chance to see the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, don't hesitate for a moment to get a ticket. For those of us who won't be able to see them in the near future, we'll have to settle for reading about their wonderment in articles like faith, hope and ailey.

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