A place for thoughts on dance, creativity and self expression.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Warming Up

Most often injuries can be prevented by doing a proper warm up before starting your exercise activity or stretching. The importance of warming up should not be over looked. When done properly it can do more than just loosen stiff muscles and can actually improve your performance. So here are a few tips for warming up.

Firstly, what does it atually mean to warm up? Well, just that! It is the processing of raising your core body temperature by one or two degrees celsius. This should be done by a combination of a general warm up, warm up stretching and some sport-specific activity.

1. General warm up: start with joint rotations beginning from either your toes and working your way up, or from your fingers and working down. This lubricates your joints and allows you to move more easily in your activity. Start with slow circular movements both clockwise and counter-clockwise.
This should then be followed up by aerobic activity for at least 5 minutes, such as jogging, skipping or some other exercise that will get your heart rate up and your blood pumping!

2. Warm up stretching: once you have got your heart rate and core temperature up your muscles will be warmer and more elastic. Now do some slow, relaxed and gentle stretching. Start with your back, followed by your upper body and lower body. Ask your teacher which stretches are appropriate for you to do as a warm up and be careful not to over-stretch

3. Light sport-specific activity: finish off your warm up with some light activity that is directly related to the athletic activity you are about to do. This should involve performing the same movements that will be used during your athletic activity but at a reduced intensity.

And now you're ready to dance :)

Adapted from Brad Appleton's Stretching and Flexibility

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